Meet Clare!

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When last we left our heroes here at the Artists Circle news page, we had just hired Austin Bristor as our Installer and Project Assistant. In November, we hired on another team member: meet Clare Hogan, our new Associate Art Consultant. She’ll spend her time at AO sourcing art for clients, making sure everything is in order for installation days, and managing our Instagram. Here’s a little more about her.

Where did you grow up? I’m from Chevy Chase, Maryland, but I lived in Ann Arbor, Michigan for a little while.

Why did you live in Michigan? Because I was getting my MFA and doing a fellowship in poetry at the University of Michigan!

Whoa! Cool! I think it is in fact pretty cool! Thank you!

So, are you writing a book, or something? In theory, yeah, but what a weird thing to say. My book isn’t really about anything in particular. It’s a book of poems. I also write nonfiction.

Can I read any of it? I have a very small amount of work published online! Here’s a poem. There are a couple others out there that you can find if you sift through Google.

Do you have any pets? Yeah, I have this totally delightful dog named Lucky who reminds me a lot of a little crab. He’s cute, but he’s neurotic, and he’s really stinky. He loves getting his cheeks scratched. He’s old and sick. Poor thing.

What’s a ‘did you know’ fact about yourself? Can I give you three? I make really good eggs, and my friend Colin gave me this recipe for pickling red onions that changed my life, and my favorite thing to do is talk on the phone. Wait—four: I drive a Toyota Corolla that I named Patsy Cline. I love her a lot.

Welcome to Artists Circle, Clare!